Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Hand made diary folder

I've been using this diary for 13 years.

Look at this!! It was a leather suede. When you touch it, it crumbles, and this blue crumbled bits will dye anything that gets into contact with it into blue!

I have decided to buy a new one when I was in Japan, but......
They are sooooooooo expensive!!
So, I thought of reusing the metal parts and make a new one myself.

I cut the old thing into bits, and got the part I wanted, but, it's the one you can't reuse. Haha

So, I bought the same parts from Japanese net shop "Tsunoda".
It was 257 Japanese yen (app AU$3.00).

This is how it came out! Looks good doesn't it? ^^

I've used the Liberty fabric for the inside pockets.

And, I put my tag to show I made it!

I've hand sewn the edges using the linen thread. White. Maybe I could have used a thinner thread with different colour, but never mind. Maybe next time.

I have used 1mm thick card inside so it is hard enough to stand on its own.

This is the book I used when I was sewing the edges. It gives you a detailed instruction on how to hand sew leather.