Monday, 29 March 2010

linen hooded jamper

It's been a long time since I last updated my English blog.
We have moved the house in Feb, settled down,
had a wild storm, settled down, and I am going for a holiday!

I was making a new trousers last few days, and now
I am making a hooded jamper.
I couldn't find a pattern for the hooded jamper anywhere,
until I found it in the sewing book I bought long time ago
to make my husband's trousers.

Sorry it's all in Japanese, but you can still read the diagram.
The book provided me with the basic pattern,
and you had to develop the pattern from it.

The darker colour part is the base pattern.
It looks quite simple, but it was a bit complicated for me at first, especialy the connected area of front part and the hood.

This is the base pattern the book provided.
Very simple with size range from 1~8.
I have used the size 3.
This is the "almost completed" product.
I have used the pure linen, as I always wanted to have a linen hooded jamper.